Body Acceptance

It takes time, it’s a journey. It took me 15 years to feel good in my body. Dancing helped considerably. It’s a battle, a fight that only you can win. People can help you, support you but you are the conductor of this orchestra.

I have done it all. From food restriction to over exercising. It is exhausting and not healthy for your body and mind.

Be kind to your body. Be kind to your friend’s, son’s, sister’s or daughter’s body.

Being a teenager is one of the most complicated time. I was born petite with a few extra pounds but that was enough to feel uncomfortable. I didn’t like my body. I didn’t understand why some of us were born tall and slim and some differently.

 During this time your entourage plays an important role. Everything said stays in your mind. It should all be about encouraging, supporting and telling that person how beautiful she is, no matter what. 

I encourage all teenagers, boys and girls, to join a dance class! And parents to suggest it! It helps being aware of your body, whom is changing so fast at that age. It builds your confidence, gets you prepare for the future.

If you don’t accept your body and feel you won’t until you change, telling yourself you are beautiful may not be enough. There is no magic, it is a process. Everyone is different but for me dancing and exercising was the key to happiness. It changed the way I perceived my body.  It changed my mindset. 

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Be kind to your body

 The key is to do something you love. It’s like a job, you will never do a great job unless you enjoy it. Don’t join a gym if you hate it or force yourself to join a bootcamp. Try different sports, experiment. You might like the sport but not the group and vies versa. Find what is right for you. We are lucky to live in Brighton, it is full of opportunities! Don’t forget the sea for swimming ;).

Only persist what makes you happy to the point you should forget you are actually exercising. Trust me I do. When I dance, time stops!

 I fell in love with group exercise classes and dancing. I love the dancing community and how fast you can make new friends. We are all in together. There is a strong sense of solidarity in a dance class. I made friends for life from dancing! 

How Burlesque changed my life

 Let’s face it, as ladies our body changes significantly through age! Our hips, thighs, breast and butt develop! Burlesque dancing was meant to be. Burlesque is all about curves, sensuality and confidence. 

After my first few months of Burlesque dancing, my thighs became toned, my butt got lifted, my posture improved and I even lost some weight! All of this while enjoying it and having fun! 

 It’s about accepting your body and enjoying it, we love curves in Burlesque!  

I use to be shy about my body, now I crave being on stage and dancing with a chair and boa! A new woman!

I wish to all of us to find peace in this journey of body acceptance, we are all in together.

With love,


Just Dance Brighton!